Friday, May 22, 2009


I "think" we may have weaned finally after over 20 months of nursing. She has not nursed for 5 days, and unless she asks for it, I am not going to offer it. I miss it a little, the closeness and time that it gave us together. However I am ready to have my body back, and I know Erick is too. I am glad we made it this long, and all the positive aspects it provided for her. I will definitely try to breastfeed again if I have any more children. Maybe now my boobs will shrink a little. :)

1 comment:

Jeni said...

I'm glad you got to nurse her for so long because of all the ways it has and will benefit her. I wish I had been able to nurse Jaxin longer-he hated it. Hopefully you'll dry up soon...haha.